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What Can Be Done to Avoid Network Bottlenecks?

What Can Be Done to Avoid Network Bottlenecks?

Your network is your business’ nervous system, enabling all of your operations. At least, that’s what it’s supposed to do. Unfortunately, network bottlenecks—the lack of available bandwidth limiting the capacity for data to move about—can put a stop to this. Let’s talk about a few ways to avoid such a bottleneck.

Segment Your Network

Network segmentation is the process wherein you split your network up into smaller sub-networks. You can then prioritize certain sub-networks that are committed to more important, higher-demand processes. As a result, fewer resources are fighting for the same shared bandwidth, reducing the chance of a network bottleneck and allowing additional bandwidth to be allocated where it is most needed.

On a Related Note, Prioritize Your Most Important Traffic

It’s just a fact that certain tasks will need to take priority over others. That being the case, it can be helpful to allocate your bandwidth to specific processes. Your needs will dictate where your bandwidth will be most helpful, but taking the time to strategically balance how it is allocated will ultimately help.

Keep an Eye on Your Network Traffic

Where are most of your network congestion issues occurring in your network? By keeping an eye on your traffic, you can better identify bottlenecks while they’re still forming, giving you the chance to proactively manage them.

Take Your Hardware and Network Makeup into Account

Another means of eliminating network congestion and bottlenecks is to consider upgrading your network resources, or at the very least updating them. Keeping up with your infrastructure’s needs can help you eliminate bottlenecks before they materialize.

Increase Your Bandwidth

Of course, you can always add more bandwidth to your network to help resolve bottlenecks. After all, bottlenecks are created when there’s too much traffic to “fit” in your existing network, so increasing the bandwidth by implementing a new router or updating your existing one can help quite a bit. If in a pinch, even adjusting your hardware’s location can help as well.

Trust Us to Help You Optimize Your Business IT

This is just one example of an IT issue we can help you resolve via our managed IT services. Interested in learning more, or experiencing them for yourself? Give us a call at (403) 210-2927.

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