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OnSite I.T. Blog

Meet the Firewall: The Unsung Hero of Your Network’s Security

Meet the Firewall: The Unsung Hero of Your Network’s Security

The term firewall is not a new one, and it’s not as old of a term as you might think. Before it became commonplace in the computing environment, it was first introduced to the world in 1983 when it was used in a movie titled WarGames. Nowadays, it is used mostly in regard to network security. Let’s take a look at what a firewall does and what the different types of firewalls do.

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How a Firewall Helps Protect Your Systems

How a Firewall Helps Protect Your Systems

As the data that you store on your business’ computers is valuable, it is inherently a desirable target to cybercriminals and scammers alike. This means that it is in your best interest to have comprehensive protections in place to protect this data from their activities. Let’s go over exactly what a firewall is, and how they make up a critical portion of your business’ defenses.

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