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There is no denying that “collaboration” is one of the biggest business buzzwords right now… and for good reason, since it is a prerequisite for any business seeking to compete in its market. Let’s take a different tack than we usually would and consider some of the non-technical elements your business needs to incorporate to encourage collaborative work.
Solutions and services aside, the success of your business collaboration falls to your employees. More specifically, the qualities and the workplace values they need to share.
Let’s go over some of the qualities they’ll need, and that you may need to instill:
With a shared cause to unite them in their efforts, your team will be more likely to follow the same processes to get there. It’s the same concept behind designing any tactical strategy: for the team to succeed, each member needs to have an idea of how their role contributes to the plan.
How well can each team member estimate their own capabilities, specifically in terms of their contribution to the group’s objective? By establishing accurate expectations, a team’s members can more effectively work in tandem to optimize the time and energy spent on a goal.
This will also help team members to share ideas more effectively with one another, which will ultimately improve the strategies that the team develops. This is essentially the definition of collaboration, so it is especially important to encourage.
Tying into this, team members should be confident that their ideas will be listened to, while also listening to what their collaborators have to say. Otherwise, the team becomes less of a team and more of a group of people all doing the same thing… not the most efficient means of accomplishing much.
Finally, your team members need to be able to focus on the task at hand and set aside personal feelings and beliefs. This capability will help prevent prejudices from interfering with the team’s overall productivity and attempts to critique one another’s work. Whether or not they’re bosom buddies, different group members need to be able to have a conversation without it dissolving into bickering.
In addition to this, any effective team will have the agility needed to shift course as quickly as circumstances demand them to. Plans often change, and new hurdles generally pop up, so your team members need to be able to pivot, reassess the situation, and proceed promptly.
Encouraging these skills amongst your team will help make your business more collaborative, and as a result, more successful.
In fairness, talking about collaboration is often far easier than actually putting it into practice… especially when external factors may require people to distance themselves from one another. Fortunately, there are solutions available that enable your team to work together, virtually side-by-side regardless of the physical space separating them.
OnSite I.T. is here to help you procure these tools, identifying which will be most beneficial for you to put in place and assisting you in that regard. Interested in learning more about what we offer? Give us a call at (403) 210-2927 today!
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429 14th St. N.W. #104
Calgary, Alberta T2N 2A3